Monday, January 18, 2010

Sharing the Love

Well, I made it one of my new year goals...
notice I didn't say resolutions...
those seem
I either do it...or I don't
having a goal, is easier, I can either reach my goal...get close to my goal...or maybe change my goals...
but it's not like I can break my you can break your resolutions...

anyways...I did make a list of Goals for 2010

*yell less & enjoy my kids more
*get healthy
*step out of comfort zone more often
*finish sprint triathlon in June
*get 50 blog followers
*stay connected with old & new friends...

So this blog is focusing #5 ...getting blog followers...
so back to my blog...

Well, I made it one of my new year goals to get 50 blog followers this year.
I have just recently myself become a follower of other blogs and I decided that if I wanted others to tell their friends and family and people on the street about my blog that maybe, just maybe I should share the love and let you know about some of my favorite blogs...

A good friend, Mrs. Smith she makes me laugh when I hang out with her (which is not often enough) or when I read her facebook updates and now her recent bloggings (she is new to the world of blogging also)...
and she has some stuff for sale of etsy so check her out...

my 3rd favorite blog (after mine and Mrs. Smith's) is Lola B's One Girl Talks, I have really fallen in love with her conversational writing style, makes me feel like the two of us are just talking over a cup of coffee, hanging out while our kids run amuck...

Then a little birdie told me about another fun blog...three ladies from the Pacific Northwest (a place I'm fond of) that share their crafting secrets and stories...

A good friend that I went to with all my blog questions and encouraged me to enter the blogging world.  She shares snippets from her life, recipes, and inspirational insights...

these are just a few of the blogs that I now "follow"  I encourage you to check out their blogs...
and if you enjoy them share them with others...

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