Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Twilight Zone

Weird stuff husband who has only ever gotten out of bed voluntarily one day a year, and that's Christmas, it's true ask his mother...

who ONLY gets out of bed the other 364 days after being woken up by both me and an alarm clock (multiple times)...

Yes, that man...
...well, I'm assuming it was him...
when I rolled over at around 5:45 this morning was reading in bed...

okay, weird, gets weirder...

at around 6:30 that man also got up, like actually out of bed, dressed...

I am so confused...  and then stared getting really worried...
Saturday mornings are MY mornings...

See I AM a morning person, I love the quiet of the house ALL to myself...

So I  hopped out of bed, and ran upstairs to stake claim to the computer...
there is no way I was going to let that weird man...
       .....that I apparently slept with last night...
take MY TIME...
I'm now smelling the coffee that the man made downstairs...
...this is a guy who wasn't even drinking coffee a month ago... not only is he drinking it, but he woke up and was grinding the beans before I could figure out what was going on...
well, I still don't know what's going on....
I'll let you know when I figure out who that man is downstairs and what he might have done with my husband...
or maybe,
     Maybe, I'll keep the new one...because now I hear him rinsing dishes!!! what am I doing on the computer...the kids are still sleeping...and that man just brought me a cup of the coffee he made...
...I think I might have better things to be doing this morning then talking to you about the new amazing man downstairs...

Sorry, my plan was to post a recipe this morning...but there might be only one way to find out if that man is REALLY my husband...


Linda said...

Inquiring minds want to know.... Did you determine if this was your own loving husband or maybe his identical twin who was given away at birth by the mentally unstable midwife??

Kiera said...

within hours he was letting our kids play video games, something he had grounded them from the day before...that was proof enough that it was till Beau!