Saturday, February 20, 2010

Where'd Those Muscles Come From

Okay, so not only have I been "training"
(I use that term loosely just because it sounds weird for me to say it)
for this upcoming Sprint Triathlon since January...
...I've also been "working out" (another loosely used term), about 5 days a week since my birthday in that's about 4 months of exercising...haven't been that consistent since I was getting graded on it in high school (yikes)...

So, all that being said, I'm not dropping the lbs (not even ONE, 1!!!) and my pants are just as tight...seriously, I haven't notice them getting ANY looser...ARGH...
But I am feeling stronger...
my muscles feel loose...
my heart feels good...
I feel better...
I can run with the kids and not get winded...
and I'm not doing any of this to get a number...
this isn't, and has never been about me loosing a certain amount of weight (I really have never cared too much about weight....I didn't like surpassing Beau by a good 10 lbs when I pregnant...but other than that!)
I really don't care too much what size pants I wear (it's a size 14 for those who might be wondering)...
I just want to be healthy, and I am feeling that...

I spent the morning yesterday gardening with the boy child.  We (mainly me) pulled weeds (weeds that look like grass but I know will turn into something dead and not pretty very soon) that covered a little hilly strip of land to the west of our "driveway"...
Key word in that..."hilly"...
I spent a good two hours basically doing lunges on this hilly...

almost, pretty close to Mt. Everest!
patch of earth...and then I had to loosen up that earth on that mountain side...using one of my favorite tools...the CLAW!!!...

And then digging holes to plant our 200+ bulbs into...(no joke, someone gave us a few grocery bags full of bulbs back in the fall, I had also purchased a few, and dug up some of our 100's of daffodils that were in a spot a didn't want...these were all sitting in containers and bags on our front porch and they were beginning to sprout just sitting there...yelling at me every time I came home, "plant us, we want to grow!")

(pretty sad huh?)
Wilson had a snail farm going...

then when he learned that the snail eat the good plants, he killed all the snails with a rock (don't worry I have no pictures of that!)...

some "treasures" we unearth

Wilson planting the bulbs, he really does love to plant.

can't believe how much it looks like I didn't do...but notice the "green" trash, it's completely full!  And all 200+ bulbs are planted...

And now the sad muscles are SCREAMING at me!  I am having a VERY hard time standing, walking, sitting, turning...WOW!  Where did ALL these muscles come from?  I was under the impression that I had been "training" my body and I can't even garden for 3 hours without doing some major damage...really, I'm hobbling around like...well, like someone that owns a Buick!

1 comment:

The Smith Hotel said...

Gardening is a workout!!! Doing all those squats and lunges.... I would count that as part of your workout!