have you ever had to work with someone you didn't like...
...you come to work and there they are...and it just makes your skin crawl...
I have someone at work that I've had problems with since day one...

okay, so I've never been that close with laundry...
I don't think you could ever say we've been friends...
but I was trying,
really, I was...
we sat down and talked some things out,
we both decided that we'd try to make this...
...this....this relationship...
work out...
we both realized that we will have to work together the rest of our lives so we would try to be nice...
and then she decided to ignore our "little talk"
...she not only messed up all the bedrooms in the house,
she has the laundry room
(yep, I even was so nice to GIVE her, her OWN room!)
and now the laundry room is spilling into the kitchen...
she keeps complaining that I haven't put a door on her room and she needs privacy...
....well, I would LOVE to put a door on her room and slam it shut a few times...but I'm bigger than that and I'm not sure she deserves a door, or if she's even earned a door...
and now that she has messed up all the rooms in the house, she's even starting in on the bathrooms!
she has also just messed up my entire week! I didn't plan on having to "deal" with her today, but I must...
LAUNDRY...I'm this close to breaking it off and kicking you out of my life for good...I with I could talk to our boss and get her fired, but I still haven't figured out who's in charge around here!
*note to readers...if you google "dirty laundry images" you might get more than you expected!
Hilarious! I hate working with cooking...she is soooo messy and doesn't clean up after herself...so i have boycotted her!
Oh my gosh, Kiera- so good. I have to agree with West Coast Scrapper though, I would much rather deal with laundry, I find her rather shallow, I can let my mind wonder off to many distant places while we interact and I hardly need to engage myself in the relationship- where cooking for me takes much more of my time and energy and quite often, I'm not even sure where our relationship is going or how it will turn out!
We used to be really good friends but now I kinda of ignore her.....The kids have befriended her though.....Mr.Smith seems to spend more time with her than I do! I have a door to her room but it doesn't ever get closed so I wouldn't give her a door if I had a choice.
Laundry...give me cooking any day! Every day! All day! With a hubby and five GIRLS in the house besides myself, laundry and I have a very unbalanced relationship. I give and give and she just takes and takes. Then there's those two times a year when the winter clothes and summer clothes switch places...she takes over the entire house and my hubby threatens to move to the garage if laundry steals his chair and couch in the living room anymore. Feelin ya!
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