I'm still working on my office at work...
a project that I started weeks ago...
(but what project that I started weeks ago is finished)...
I started with a huge blank wall
painted some filigree, swirly design...

added some dots...
and now I have this
the color in the top picture is more true...my problem now...
I wanted to paint large Roman Numeral's of the 3, 6, 9, & 12 on the wall and make a huge clock....
then I become overwhelmed with having to make the numbers
(all of them have I's in them...III, VI, IX, XII)
and the I's looking the same...
I started with the 6=VI...
liked it and the realized I DID NOT want to try to make more I's...
so I then my friend Kim said to just make them large dots...
so I did...and LOVE it...
but now my question is...do I paint over the 6=VI or leave it...
what do you think...all dots or leave it with 3 large dots and the VI....
today or tomorrow I will go shopping for clock hands that I can mount on the wall and have an actual working clock...
Uniformity is my middle name...not really, it's Lynn, but regardless I think make the 4 dots and then do the actual numbers (1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11) in between. I'm not a fan of Roman Numerals because I have to think too much.
I agree with the 4 dots. You could compose numbers inside the dots with smaller dots in a constrast color, then the smaller dots inside would contrast with the smaller dots you have inside the swirls. Did I sound confusing enough?
First of all, LOVE the swirls! My vote is 4 dots.
Well I guess I have to confuse you. Sorry! My vote is for the 3 dots and the VI. Breaks up the dots.
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