Everyone needs a piece of furniture that's fun to say...
and my piece is our Credenza...
say it with me...
we started "Operation-Beautiful-Living room" about 2 weeks ago...
(and we are SO close to being done)
we needed to enter the 21's century and get a flat screen...
with all the stuff...
42"..Full HD....energy star...LCD...1080p...
(all geek to me...but it made my husband so very happy)...
but the problem was that our current entertainment center was a 6 foot tall very large piece of furniture that wouldn't work for the new tv...
so we needed to find something that would...
but I have expensive taste...
everything I found was around the $1000 mark...
can't spend more on the piece of furniture than the the tv you're buying it for...
or at least that's what my husband told me...
here is a Pottery Barn one that I LOVED...
so the hunt began...
I checked Craigslist about very 20 minutes hoping something would post...
and then last Friday we went to a local consignment store and I found about 6 pieces that I would have been happy with...
all over $500 and all SOLD...and I had been given a budget of $150....
and then we saw it...
it was a very ugly color...
it needed some TLC...
it was ONLY $29...
we LOVED it...how could you not for $29!!!
and check out the ugly gold vintage handles
I removed all the hardware...was going to replace them and instead just spray painted them a new classic color
sanded and painted...I chose the color Dark Granite...a grayish chocolate from Lowes

and painted some more...
we decided to leave the inside drawers and doors off and just have the outside drawers and turn the inside 3 into shelves for electronic stuff....
we had to take off the wooden tracks that the drawers roll on..
and then I purchased a piece of wood that was 3/16" think and then asked them to cut it down to fit on the inside shelves (I wanted them a little bit more sturdy...)
and then I also bought a drill attachment that cut out nifty holes in the back for all the cords to run thru
and I spray painted the old vintage gold handles a dark bronzy silver
(there was no color name for the metallic paint, just the color of the lid...and I have to say it bought my daughter and I closer together...she picked up a very shiny silver and said, "not this one, it looks like cheap jewelery!" which was the exact thought going thru my head when she picked it up!)
the end result...
I still need to work on the wall art for this wall so "Operation-Beautiful-Living room" isn't finished yet...but it's way better than it was...
also check out the new rug...it was 1/2 off...LOVE that!
so our "New" Credenza cost us $29 (old dresser), $15 (gallon of Dark Granite paint that I will use for 100 more projects), $5 (metallic spray paint for handles), and $11 (for the wood for the shelves, that I didn't even use 1/3 of...and have many fun projects planned for that wood)...$60 for our Beautiful Credenza!
Saying the word Credenza-Priceless!
Looks Great! Love that Madison had an opinion on the spray paint! That's how you raise kids with good taste!
beautiful! I'm also working on Operation Beautiful Living room! I have one wall painted and one entertainment center put together and in working order. I now need book, shelves, end tables, rug and couch...gee no biggie right?
Lisa...go to the Home Consignment Depot on Hartnell that's where we got the $29 dresser...and Kohl's has nice rugs...
Beautiful Credenza - Congratulations ! I love a bargain, its very nice to rescue furniture, and so much more fun than spending a ton of money....and so 'green' (heh-heh).
Looks great Kiera! Gives me inspiration to redo the furniture that has been in our basement for a year. Granted I've been pregnant 10 of those 12 months...
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