both were purses that I've been wanting to make...
Really, can a girl have make too many purses?
both seemed so simple...
too simple...
I was scared that the overly simple directions and my brain had turned a simple project into...
well, a
Project 1...turn a place-mat into a purse...
1 the one I found, a faux leather one
2 different types of ribbon
1 sewing machine
cut ribbon #1 the length you would like for handles-cut two of them
sew onto place-mat...
cut ribbon #2 the width of the place-mat to cover up the ends of the handle ribbons...
sew onto place-mat
turn place-mat inside out and sew up the sides...
turn back around and you have your place-mat purse...
sorry that I have no pictures of the actual process, I just got so excited that it was really SOOOO very easy that I forgot to take pictures...I plan on making more of these so I will photograph the process next time...
Project #2... Up-cycle Pants Purse...
needed old pants
some extra biais tape
sewing machine
cut off legs of pants

keeping pants rightside out sew the bottom together-about a 1/2 seam, then turn the pants inside out and sew the bottom seam in about 1/2 an inch, this will give you a nice finished seam on the inside bottom of your purse.
sew handles using strips of fabric from the legs that you cut off, trim the edges with a fun color of bias tape.
sew handles onto top of pants/purse...
both of these projects took me less than an hour...they really were so simple...
I have an old jumper of Madison's that I want to try to make a purse for her out off...and now off to shop clearance for place-mats for cheap!...
These are so cute! I really want to sew more but have to admit that I'm a little scared of my sewing machine.
Very cute! Love the texture on those placemats! No~a girl can't have too many purses but ask the hubby and he would say otherwise! Happy Easter!
Your sister REALLY likes the cargo purse...*hint*hint!! I love you Bug..LOL
No, a girl can't have too many purses! And those are great!
You, my dear, are SO crafty and creative! I LOVE makes me Really, Really want to go sit with my Happy (my sewing machine) and sew some purses!!
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