Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Power of Women

okay, yep, I know it's Father's Day...
so why am I blogging about the power of women...?
because we create the Father's...

yep...bear with me...
this is a soap box of mine
ladies, sisters, daughters...
listen, you get to choose the man that will become the father of your children...
that is huge!
You have the option...
the choice....
the power...
the responsibility of choosing the man that will become the father of YOUR children....

with that choice you change the world, can choose a boy that's not ready to be a man, can choose a man that doesn't choose to act like a man
or you can choose a man that has the desire to be the best he can be and looks to God for his guidance....

Girls, Sisters, Daughters....
do not take this amazing choice that God has given you and allow peer pressure, low self esteem, or a moment of weakness to choose the wrong father for your children...that choice is all yours!

I am so thankful today, Father's Day, to say that at the crazy young age of 18 I met and fell in love with a man that would one day become the father of my children...
at the age of 20 I committed to being that man's wife....
and at the age of 23 I became the mother of his little girl....
photo by Betsey Walton Photography
I am thankful to say that I had the power to choose this amazing man to become the father of my children....
and with that power I changed the world by giving 2 amazing children the best father they could have....

thank you Beau for empowering our children to be who God has created them to be,
to honor God,
to love life,
to respect themselves and others,
to take responsibly for their actions,
to love music,
to love weird random Japanese things...

pirate family
Happy Fathers Day to my babies daddy!

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