like VERY hot summers...
but, this is the thing...they may be hot...
but it's a 'Dry Heat!'
this is a typical conversation...
someone that doesn't live in Redding, CA,
"How can you live there, it's so HOT?"
someone who lives in Redding,
"Well, it's a dry heat!"
and we are very {very} proud of our dry heat...
but then, this week something horrible happened...

115+ heat {today's high is supposed to be 117!}
37% humidity!
guess what people?
and folks, that's where pride gets ya...we get all proud of our dry heat and smack, right in the kisser, 37% humidity with 117 degrees outside...
it's like having extra sweat glands on the outside of your body!!!
nasty sweaty swollen glands...