Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Monday

yep it's Monday..
I should be thinking about my menu for the next 2 weeks...
I NEED to be thinking about my menu for the next 2 weeks...
I also have to start working on some schedules for church...
some curriculum for church...
and I need to run today...
I REALLY NEED to run today...
oh, and the laundry that DIDN'T get touched last week...the laundry REALLY NEEDS to get done this boy is OUT of shirts....
...I also need to blog about the open house this past weekend...I did promise I would...but that means I need to get all the pictures off of the camera...and then edit the pictures...and then need to get creative with my blogging...
but I really just want to paint some signs, maybe do a little sewing on a project that's been bouncing around in my head...
...I also want to call up a few friends that I haven't talked to in ages and talk for a bit...
I think I might need to talk to some friends...I haven't called the Mean Jean in a good few months and facebook isn't her thing, and we're going up to visit them in about 3 I really do NEED to call her...
and my friend Ms. Sara...I feel like the last time we talked was last spring break when both families happened to be at Disneyland at the same time...
it's a Monday in March...and I NEED it to be a lazy Saturday morning in mid-June with no kids in school and no laundry to worry about and no schedules to schedule and no running cuz the triathlon is OVER!!!

I think I need to call some friends...I can fold laundry and talk at the same time...

1 comment:

Monica said...

Oh man, I was SO hoping to read about how the weekend open house thing went but then I was thinking it was okay you didn't write IF you were doing creative things. But all you're doing is laundry and talking on the phone....