Monday, January 17, 2011


okay, so I know that we are half way thru January
but I never got around to posting any new year resolutions...
and I've been thinking about it everyday....
did I actual make any resolutions?
we didn't stand around at our Rockin' New Years Eve Party discussing our resolutions
(maybe because only 2 of us would have know what that even meant!)

But I have been thinking about the concept of resolutions...
I have never really made huge resolutions,
but I'm also not opposed to them....
last year I even posted on facebook this list...
but I called them 'goals' and not resolutions...
seemed less scary

2010 Goals:
*yell less & enjoy my kids more
*get healthy
*step out of comfort zone more often
*finish sprint triathlon in June
*get 50 blog followers
*stay connected with old & new friends

and I think I was pretty good with all of them expect the last one...I'm horrible about keeping connected with important people in my life!

so I've decided to make a 2011 Goal list...

*savor moments with my kids and husband
*continue to on the road to health
*Sprint Triathlon in June and in September
*live my life showing Christ's love by loving, connecting, and serving...
*make family menus and shop by them (at least 2 a month)
*get and STAY room at a time...I want to try to tackle one room every two weeks and see if I can stay on top of them...

so that's my list of goals...and since I need someway to stay motivated I plan to use my blog to keep me accountable on these...
so on the weekends I will post about a moment in the previous week that I savored a moment with my family...
I will randomly share highlights and lowlights and the in-betweens of keeping in shape
I will also randomly share about my Triathlon training and experiences
I will also randomly share my journey of love.connect.serve....
I will post my menu every other Monday
and starting next month I will share my organization journey with you...trying to figure out what room to tackle first....thinking bathrooms????

and now need to get ourselves all packed and ready for fun in the snow...second snow trip this year...and this time I will get the boy child to wear the proper gloves so he can enjoy the day....

1 comment:

Kelsy said...

I've been thinking of making some goals too (and I'll be late to the party too). :)
I did stumble across this blog a month or so ago. She's in the middle of a 21 day organizing challenge right now. I like how it's just one small thing each day, it makes the whole thing very manageable. :)